I'm New
We understand

Many people in the Vegas Valley haven't been involved in church or know little about it. Maybe you've been hurt by people in a church and are having trouble making your way back.  Our church is a place where you can find out about God and learn to live according to his design in a community of support and encouragement.  The Bible helps us understand the healthy spiritual choices we can make with his help.  

*Will I have to speak?  No, you won't ever be called on to speak when you visit

*What does a Sunday look like?  We have a service from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.. and then refreshments after

*What if I don't know how to read the Bible?  It's ok... It's easy to learn and we'll teach you.

*Are all ethnicities accepted at The Oasis? Absolutely... all humans are made in the image of God

*Do you have music?  Yes.  Usually an upbeat band leads us in worship every service